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Global Sustainable Development Report : 2015 Edition

Auteur : Le Blanc David, Roehri Richard A., Ritz Julie ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2015
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :


Chapter 1 : The Science Policy Interface
1.1. Introduction: the science-policy interface for sustainable development
1.2. Possible roles of the HLPF for strengthening the science-policy interface: opinions from scientists and
development experts
1.3. Conclusion
Chapter 2 : Integrated Perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals
2.1. The Sustainable Development Goals and integrated perspectives suggested by the scientific community
2.2. Integrated SDG perspectives in international assessments
2.3. Global scenario models for integrated assessment of the SDGs
2.4. Conclusions
Chapter 3 : The Oceans, Seas, Marine Resources and Human Well-being Nexus
3.1. Interlinked issues: oceans, seas, marine resources and human well-being
3.2. Impact of important classes of threats on the oceans, seas, marine resources and human well-being nexus
3.3. Illustrative case studies – the need for an integrated approach when dealing with the nexus
3.4. Towards an integrated approach when dealing with the oceans, seas, marine resources and human well-being nexus
Chapter 4 : Disaster Risk Reduction: A Cross-cutting Necessity in the SDGs
4.1. Global targets in two frameworks
4.2. Interlinkages – DRR as a cross-cutting issue in the SDGs
4.3. Measuring progress – target
4.4. New solutions for measuring
4.5. Conclusions
Chapter 5 : Economic Growth, Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development and Sustainable Consumption and Production
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Economic growth and structural transformation
5.3. Industrialisation and social sustainability: inclusiveness, productive employment and education policies
5.4. Sustainable consumption and production in relation to industrialization
5.5. New industrial policies for inclusive and sustainable development – policy alignment, trade-off management and win-win solutions
5.6. Concluding remarks
Chapter 6 : Countries in Special Situations
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Least developed countries
6.2.1. Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA)
6.3. Landlocked developing countries
6.4. Small Island Developing States
6.5. Data gaps
6.6. Concluding remarks
Chapter 7 : Science Issues for the Attention of Policy Makers
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Crowd-sourcing science briefs for policy makers
7.3. Highlights from the submitted science briefs
7.4. Selected sustainability science highlights from academic journals
7.5. Big data applications for sustainable development
7.6. UN system mechanisms to identify emerging issues
7.7. Time lags between science and policy
7.8. Conclusions
Chapter 8 : New Data Approaches for Monitoring Sustainable Development Progress: The Case of Africa
8.1. New technologies for data collection
8.2. Tapping into big data
8.3. New approaches to integrate data
8.4. Innovative means of sharing data
8.5. Improving the data-policy interface
8.6. Scaling up innovation in Africa: the way forward
Chapter 9 : Conclusions
9.1. The science-policy interface and the High-level Political Forum on sustainable development
9.2. Interlinkages and implementation
9.3. Data for sustainable development
9.4. Monitoring progress
9.5. The way forward

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