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Spotlight on sustainable development 2016 : report of the reflection group on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Collectivite Auteur : Social Watch, Global Policy Forum, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :


1. Overview
1.1 The 2030 Agenda – a new start towards global sustainability?
1.2 Reports from the bottom up : “The road is hazy and full of obstacles”
2. Spotlights on the SDGs
2.1 The new goal on poverty: A welcome paradigm shift
2.2 Towards the transformation of our agricultural and food systems
2.3 The “Health SDG”: Some progress, but critical concerns remain
2.4 Access to quality education, the new paradigm
2.5 Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles and Preventing Negative Spill-over Effects
for Realizing Women’s Human Rights
2.6 Whose rights to water will the 2030 Agenda promote?
2.7 Energy at a crossroad
2.8 Decent work for all by 2030: taking on the private sector
2.9 Industrialization, infrastructure and clean technology: at the heart of structural
transformation but blocked by binding constraints in the international free trade regime
2.10 Will inequality get left behind in the 2030 Agenda?
2.11 Towards a New Urban Agenda
2.12 Corporate capture subverts production and consumption transformation
2.13 The climate change battle in Paris: putting equity into action
2.14 Policy choices for helping or hindering the poor
2.15 “There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development”
2.16 Beyond the current means of implementation
2.17 International Trade and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
3. Measures and indicators
3.1 Measuring Accountability: The politics of indicators
3.2 Towards a 2030 Agenda Dashboard

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