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Rapport annuel du PNUE 2000

Collectivite Auteur : PNUE
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :

The 2000 Annual Report reflects the work of an organization proud of its accomplishments, yet not complacent ; an organization ready to take on any of the challenges that the new Millennium “the Environment Millennium” may bring.

No crisis in history has so clearly demonstrated the interdependence of nations as the environmental crisis. The pressures wielded by the forces of economic globalization and technological change are transforming the global environment as never before. A number of trends that characterized the last decade of the 20th century are coming to a head. They include the increasingly transboundary nature of environmental problems ; the recognition of interlinkages between various environmental issues ; the challenge of implementing the increasing number of multilateral environmental agreements ; the growing size and number of mega-cities ; the increasing role of civil society in crafting and influencing public policies ; and the transition towards a knowledge-based information society.

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