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Small Ruminants as a Source of Financial Security: A Case Study of Women in Rural Southwest Nigeria

Auteur : Oluwatayo Isaac B., Oluwatayo Titilayo B.
Année de Publication : 2012
Type : Article
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Afrique du Sud

Résumé/Sommaire :

Rearing of small ruminants plays a very important role in the lives of households in developing countries. This is because small ruminants provide the easiest and most readily accessible source of credit available to meet immediate social and financial obligations. In southwest Nigeria for instance, rural women are involved in the raising or rearing of small ruminants – sheep and goats especially around homes by feeding them kitchen wastes or at most times leaving them to graze on surrounding herbs and shrubs. Because of the high poverty level in Nigeria, this study examines the extent to which small ruminants have assisted women in rural southwest Nigeria in meeting financial obligations with the overall goal of ensuring its sustainability and enhancing the benefits inherent in the practice of small ruminants’ husbandry.

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