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Consumption Smoothing and the Role of Wild Food Items in Rural Zambia : Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems

Auteur : Kitsuki Akinori, Sakurai Takeshi
Collectivite Auteur : Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
Année de Publication : 2012
Type : Article
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Zambie

Résumé/Sommaire :

The objective of this study is to investigate how farmers smooth their consumption against fluctuating agricultural income, focusing on the composition of consumption and the role of wild food items. We use household survey data collected over a 2-year period from November 2007 to October 2009 in rural Zambia, in which extremely heavy rainfall in December 2007 caused a significant negative shock in agricultural production, the most important income source of the farmers in the study site. We find that farmers smoothed their consumption levels of staple foods, but did not smooth those of animal and fish products, processed non-staple food, and non-food items. It means that farmers used the latter as buffers against fluctuating income. Cash purchases of staple foods and the receipt of staple foods as gift and food aid played a critical role in smoothing consumption levels of staple foods. Wild food items collected from the bush were also important in consumption smoothing complementary to purchased, gifted, aided staple foods.

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