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Thematic report on Morocco’s preparedness for the implementation of the sustainable development goals 2015-2030

Auteur : Jettou Driss, Diyer Mohammed, Essaouabi Mohammed ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Section I. General framework for the implementation of the sustainable development goals
I. The adopted measures for the implementation of the 2030 agenda
A. Political commitment : a clearly demonstrated willingness to implement the 2030 agenda
B. Constitutional and legislative framework : a frame reference supporting the implementation of the 2030 agenda
C. Awareness raising and dialogue promotion between the relevant parties concerned with the SDGs
D. Contextualization of the SDGs : the organization of a national consultation not followed by any practical effects
E. Prioritization : the slow pace of convergence of the current strategies with the 2030 agenda
F. Planning and funding the SDGs : the inadequacy of the adopted measures pending the alignment of the NSDS with the 2030 agenda
II. Review of the measures taken for the implementation of healthcare-and education- related goals
A. The Ministry of health : significant measures for the implementation of health-related goals
B. The Ministry of national education: the establishment of a national coordinating committee for the SDG 4
Section II. Data collection and the measuring system for SDG indicators
I. Organizational and institutional framework of the national statistical system
A. Composition and organization of the national statistical system
B. Functioning and coordination of the national statistical system
II. The capacity of the national statistical system to produce indicators for measuring and monitoring progress towards achieving the SDGs
A. Compliance of the HCP statistical system with the global statistical standards
B. Planning the operations of the national statistical system and measuring progress towards achieving the SDGs
C. Generation of SDG indicators
D. Determination of benchmarks
E. Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the sustainable development goals : a system to be established
Section III. Response of the Head of government

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