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The Sustainable Development Goals and the Social and Solidarity Economy

Auteur : Jayasooria Denison, Yi Ilcheong
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) - is the current global agenda against which every country is benchmarking its progress. The SDGs encapsulate 17 development goals, sharing the key theme of ‘leaving no one behind’. Many of the grassroots concerns are of an integrated focus, impacting the economic, social and environmental concerns, including human rights and good governance. The SDGs widened the development agenda and, therefore, essentializing the critical link for the localization of SDGs. The social and solidarity economy (SSE) makes an impact as its organizations (or SSE organizations and enterprises (SSEOEs)) at the grassroots are working with the most vulnerable communities as a vehicle for achieving effective localisation of SDGs. In this entry, through policy discussions and case studies, the SDG and SSE link is provided.

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