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Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Report presentation
Report Development Process
Goal 1 : Reduce extreme poverty and hunger
1. Trend of income poverty 1990-2011
2. Trend of inequalities, 1990-2011
3. Major challenges to fight poverty and inequality
4. Axes to fight poverty and inequality
Goal 2 : Achieve universal primary education
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 3 : Promote gender equality and empower women
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 4 : Reduce child mortality
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 5 : Improve maternal health
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 7 : Ensure environmental sustainability
1. Current situation
2. Constraints
3. Adopted strategy
Goal 8 : Develop a global partnership for development
1. Official development assistance
2. The financing of social sectors in Morocco
3. The commitment of Morocco to South-South and triangular cooperation

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