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Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Transformative Governance Practices and Vertical Alignment at the National and Subnational Levels in Africa

Auteur : Urama Kevin, Ozor Nicholas, Acheampong Ernest
Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview of Sustainable Development Goal Issue Areas Being Discussed in Africa
2.1 Overview of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and SDGs Consultation Processes in Africa
3.0 Narrative on Future Regional Governance Practices in Africa—2030
3.1 Multistakeholder Processes and Institutions
3.2 Integrated Development Planning With Respect to Vertical and Horizontal Collaboration
3.3 Cross-cutting Policies
3.4 Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability Processes and Institutions
4.0 Overview of Existing Regional Governance Practices—2013
4.1 Multistakeholder Participation 4.2 Integration of Analysis and Planning Between National, Subnational and Regional Levels of
4.3 Crosscutting Policies
4.4 Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation
5.0 Capacity-Building and Knowledge-Sharing Needs for Advancing Development Planning and Implementation Practices at the National and Subnational Levels
5.1 Multistakeholder Processes and Participation
5.2 Integrated Planning and Analysis Through Vertical Alignment and Partnerships
5.3 Crosscutting Policies
5.4 Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability
5.5 Overarching Capacity-Building and Knowledge-Sharing Needs
6.0 Strategies for Strengthening and Coordinating Community-of Practice Networks (CoP)
6.1 Community of Practice (CoP)
6.2 Networks and Knowledge-Sharing Platforms for Delivering the Post-2015 Development Agenda and SDGs
6.3 Priority Efforts for Strengthening and Coordinating Communities of Practice in Africa
6.4 Recommended Actions for SDplanNet and GN-NCSD for 2014-2015
7.0 Conclusion

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