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Programming to Address Violence Against Women : Ten Case Studies

Collectivite Auteur : UNFPA
Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

During the UNFPA Global Meeting in December 2004, a number of country offices reviewed their success in implementing UNFPA-supported projects to address violence against women. Some of these experiences were local adaptations of these model standards and strategies. To build upon lessons discussed at the global meeting, UNFPA, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), launched a review of ten projects to identify what works in terms of programming to address violence against women, particularly in terms of community ownership and programme sustainability. This publication is a joint effort of UNFPA’s Technical Support Division—the Culture, Gender and Human Rights Branc and its Geographic Divisions. Country offices in Bangladesh, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Romania, Sierra Leone and Turkey gave their full support in providing information to the research team leader and the national and international consultants who reviewed, analysed and documented the country projects.

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