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Youth and Violent Conflict : Society and Development in Crisis ?

Collectivite Auteur : UNDP
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This review explores the intersection between youth and violent conflict, with a view to enhancing policy and offering programming guidance. To this aim, the review - Identifies key issues, questions and dilemmas related to youth and violent conflict; - Explores how the issue of youth and violent conflict is currently addressed in key policy frameworks; - Offers an overview of current programmes put in place by UNDP and other key international actors. The review presents a collection of varied examples, as an illustration of different approaches and areas of activity. It only considers responses put in place by international governmental actors, leaving aside governments and non-governmental organizations. This is primarily a desk review of specialized literature, policy frameworks and programme documents, complemented by a period of field research in West Africa (Senegal, Liberia and Sierra Leone), undertaken in February 2005. The review is neither an exhaustive catalogue of programmes nor a compendium of best practices, and it does not attempt to evaluate the impact of programmes. Instead, it tries to draw attention to some key questions and issues, as a first step towards developing policy and programming guidelines.

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