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Global population and water : access and sustainability

Collectivite Auteur : UNFPA
Année de Publication : 2003
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


List of Figures

List of Maps

List of Tables

Executive Summary

1 The Challenge

Global population

Sustainable development

Access to water

International agreements

Millennium Development Goals: water, food and sustainable development

2 The Constituency and the Demands

Human needs

Gender and women’s empowerment

Water consumption and sustainability

Managing water use

Competing demands

Water regulation

3 Reproductive Health and Disease

Water access and hazards to health

Water-related diseases and their effect on reproductive health

Malaria during pregnancy

Anaemia during pregnancy

Chemical contaminants and reproductive health

4 Conclusion


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