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Culture in the Context of UNFPA Programming : ICPD+10 Survey Results on Culture and Religion

Collectivite Auteur : UNFPA
Année de Publication : 2005
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The International Conference on Population and development was a milestone in women's rights. The conference adopted a 20-year Programme of Action, signed by 179 countries, that addresses issues ranging from gender equality and violence against women to ensuring women’s ability to control their own fertility. Ten years later, what difference has the ICPD really made?To answer that question, UNFPA developed and administered a survey to assess countries’ progress in implementing the Programme of Action. This publication focuses on the impact that culture has had on the achievement of ICPD goals. More specifically, it analyses the responses to four questions included in the UNFPA survey that attempted to gauge the influence of culture on UNFPA programming. The questions asked how the cultural context in which UNFPA programmes operate either contributes to or constrains progress in four areas: gender equity and equality and women’s empowerment ; reproductive rights and reproductive health; adolescent reproductive health; and HIV/AIDS. Countries were asked to provide detailed responses to all four questions. The objectives of the analysis are twofold: to identify global, regional and thematic trends that could help UNFPA target its assistance more strategically, and to help the organization sharpen its ‘culture lens’ at the policy and programming levels.

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