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GFDRR : Bringing Resilience to Scale : Annual Report 2014

Collectivite Auteur : Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
Année de Publication : 2015
Type : Rapport
Thème : Catastrophes

Résumé/Sommaire :


Pillar 1 : Risk Identification
Providing High-Quality Information for Better Decision Making;
Collecting and Sharing Risk Information through Innovative Practices and Partnerships;
Focus on Africa;
Pillar 2 : Risk Reduction
Improving Public Policy to Manage and Reduce Risk;
Guiding Investments to Build Resilience;
Focus on East Asia and Pacific;
Focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia;
Pillar 3 : reparedness
Forecasting Natural Hazards to Prevent Loss and Prepare for Disasters;
Planning and Preparing for Disaster Response ;
Focus on Latin America and the Caribbean;
Pillar 4 : Financial Protection
Supporting Governments to Plan for the Financial Impact of Disasters ;
Scaling Insurance to Protect Government Budgets, Farmers, and Private Actors ;
Focus on South Asia;
Pillar 5 : Resilient Recovery
Preparing Post-Disaster Assessments;
Working with Countries to Prepare for Recovery;
Supporting Recovery Work in Fragile and Conflict Situations ;
GFDRR-Supported Post-Disaster Needs Assessments in FY14 ;
Focus on Middle East and North Africa;
- Thematic Programs
Innovation Lab;
Resilient Cities;
Safer Schools;
Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance;
Inclusive Community Resilience;
- Challenges and Opportunities
Sub-Saharan Africa;
East Asia and Pacific;
Europe and Central Asia;
Latin America and the Caribbean;
Middle East and North Africa;
South Asia;
- Outreach and Partnerships
United Nations;
World Bank;
European Union;
Technical Experts, Academia, and Think Tanks;
Private Sector ;
Civil Society Organizations and Citizen Engagement;
Media and Outreach;
Focus on the ACP-EU NDRR Program;
- International Events

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