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The influence of particle size on the performance of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste

Auteur : Hajji A., Rhachi M.
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Article
Thème : Pollution
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Nowadays, the protection of the environment begins to go beyond the simple notion of citizenship and gestures towards nature, but it is an opportunity to improve the quality of life of every living being, including the production of clean energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In this sense, one of the processes that contribute to this new situation, the process of anaerobic digestion, sector which is formerly known, though it has great potential in terms of biogas production, it remains relatively untapped compared to other renewable energy sources due to low yields recorded.
The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of particle size on the performance of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste, In order to contribute to improving the efficiency of biogas process. In this context, the Laboratory for Energy, Environment and Materials procured an experimental digester with the capacity of 14 liters,
equipped with an integrated control. The particle size of 10 mm, 20mm, 30mm and 100 mm in diameter were evaluated; the laboratory reactor was operated under mesophilic conditions (40 ° C) and with a retention time of 21 days. The results show a high correlation between particle size and the production of biogas, with optimum production recorded for small particle sizes.

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