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A Guide for Policy and Decision Makers on the Fiscal, Economic, and Financial Aspects of Solid Waste Management in the Mashreq and Maghreb Countries

Auteur : Rizkallah Marwan
Collectivite Auteur : SWEEP-Net’s regional working group
Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Livre
Thème : Pollution

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. A brief overview of the fiscal system related to solid waste management
1.1 Types and quantities of the produced solid waste and the taxes imposed on them
1.2. Funding SWM by the public sector over history
1.3. Forms of financial and economic cooperation between the public and private sectors in waste management
1.4. Current financial and administrative cooperation between the public and private sectors in the member countries
1.5. A description of the actual situation of funding municipal SWM
II. Suggestions for the improvement and development of the current waste management situation
2.1 At the legal level (laws and regulations, “the polluter pays”, environmental tax grids on goods according to their compositions)
2.2. At the level of organization and planning (a strategy to classify areas and environmental conditions)
2.3. At the administrative level (subcontracting files, tender and contract conditions and alleviating administrative routine)
2.4. At the level of monitoring, control, and development (in order to operate, maintain, and landfill)
2.5. At the financial level (amend some terms in the tax and exchange balance)
2.6. At the economic level (creating new job opportunities, manufactures, increasing compost and recyclable materials selling revenues)
III. A presentation of laws or experiences that led to success in waste management
3.1 The Yemeni experience
3.2. The Tunisian experience

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