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Waste and Climate Change : Global Trends and Strategy Framework

Collectivite Auteur : United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics. International Environmental Technology Centre
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Livre
Thème : Pollution

Résumé/Sommaire :


1. Introduction
1.1 Context
1.2 Scope of work
2. Waste management and GHG
2.1 Background
2.2 Sources of GHG
2.3 GHG savings
2.4 Biogenic carbon
3. Climate impact of waste
3.1 Waste and climate change studies
3.2 Global trends in waste generation and management
3.3 Climate impact of waste management practices
3.4 Summary of GHG implications of waste management practices
4. Development of international strategy framework
4.1 Context – international conventions
4.2 Current international activity – waste and climate change
4.3 Gap analysis
4.4 Strategy framework
4.5 Summary of framework strategy development

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