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Global Chemicals Outlook : towards sound management of chemicals

Auteur : Massey Rachel, Jacobs Molly, Gallagher Louise A. ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Livre
Thème : Pollution

Résumé/Sommaire :


Chapter I : Trends and Indicators
1. Introduction
2. Portrait of the Chemical Industry
3. Trends in Global Chemical Production and Consumption
4. Trends in Production and Consumption of Industrial Chemicals: Bulk Organics; Bulk Inorganics; Halogens and Halogenated Organic Compounds
5. Trends in Production and Consumption of Metals
6. Trends in Production and Consumption of Fibers: Asbestos
7. Trends in Production and Consumption of Agricultural Chemicals
8. Products Containing Chemicals
9. Environmental Releases, Recycling and Disposal of Chemicals
10. Trends Associated with the Environmental Effects of Chemicals
11. Trends Associated with the Human Health Effects of Chemicals
Chapter II : Economic Implications of the Trends in Chemicals Production, Trade and Use
1. Introduction
2. Financial implications of Chapter I trends
3. External Implications of Chapter I Trends: Costs of Inaction for Human Health and Environment
4. Benefits of Action on Sound Management of Chemicals Policies for National Development
Chapter III : Instruments and Approaches for the Sound Management of Chemicals
1. Introduction
2. Government Instruments and Approaches
3. Corporate Methods and Tools
4. Civil Society Organization Methods and Tools
5. National Responses
6. International Responses
7. Advancing the Sound Management of Chemicals
8. Charting the Way Forward

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