Auteur :
Collectivite Auteur :
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Milieux marins
1. Impacts of marine plastic pollution
2. The effects of plastic pollution
3. The challenge of marine plastic pollution
4. Achievements and gaps in policy and regulatory frameworks
5. Circularity/Circular economy approach
6. Existing response measures and initiatives
7. Regional frameworks and action plans
8. The existing global legal framework : global conventions with relevance for marine plastic pollution
9. The existing global legal framework : gaps in existing global governance frameworks
10. UN environmental assembly and the process towards : a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution
11. UNEA resolution 5/14 entitled “end plastic pollution : towards an international legally binding instrument
12. Recommandations