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Plastic pollution : impacts on the oceans and marine biodiversity and means of combating it at the global level

Auteur : Laamrich Naji
Collectivite Auteur : COMHAFAT ATLAPCO
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Milieux marins

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Impacts of marine plastic pollution
2. The effects of plastic pollution
3. The challenge of marine plastic pollution
4. Achievements and gaps in policy and regulatory frameworks
5. Circularity/Circular economy approach
6. Existing response measures and initiatives
7. Regional frameworks and action plans
8. The existing global legal framework : global conventions with relevance for marine plastic pollution
9. The existing global legal framework : gaps in existing global governance frameworks
10. UN environmental assembly and the process towards : a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution
11. UNEA resolution 5/14 entitled “end plastic pollution : towards an international legally binding instrument
12. Recommandations

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