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Plastic-Free Coastlines : A Contribution from the Maghreb to Address Marine Plastic Pollution

Collectivite Auteur : World Bank. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Article
Thème : Milieux marins
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 : Call for Action
1.1 Cleaner, Plastic-free, Coastal, and Marine areas of North Africa
Chapter 2 : Marine PlasticPollution in the Middle East and North Africa
2.1 Coastal areas as economic centers
2.2 Increasing plastic leakage
2.3 Ecological and socio-economic impacts
2.4 Circular economy approaches to address marine plastic pollution
Chapter 3 : The Littoral Sans Plastique (LISP) Approaches
3.1 The Littoral Sans Plastique (LISP) Approaches
3.2 Assessment methodology
3.3 Formulation of Strategies and Action Plans
3.4 Advantages and limitations of LISP approaches
3.5 Lessons learnt from applying the LISP approaches in Morocco and Tunisia
Chapter 4 : Results of the Assessments
4.1 Morocco : Status of Marine Plastic Pollution
4.2 Tunisia : Status of Marine Plastic Pollution
Chapter 5 : LISP Strategies and Action Plans
5.1 Overview
5.2 Morocco
5.3 Tunisia
Chapter 6 : The Way forward
6.1 Progress during the first phase of the technical assistance
6.2 Limitations of the assessments
6.3 Second phase of the technical assistance
6.4 Conclusion

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