Auteur :
El Bouch
...[et al.]
Année de Publication :
Type : Article
Thème : Milieux marins
Couverture : Maroc
This study consists to conduct an environmental SWOT analysis to assess Marchica lagoon and its watershed within the framework of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). Recognized as a Ramsar site since 2005, the lagoon is located on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Morocco and offers a variety of ecosystem services. In response to substantial anthropogenic stress, the Moroccan government initiated a restoration plan since 2010 aimed at safeguarding these ecosystem services. Our analysis reveals that, despite restoration efforts, the lagoon is still adversely impacted by its watershed, including the discharge of wastewater, sometimes untreated. A significant environmental limitation identified is the inadequate integration of the “watershed-lagoon” spatial dimension in the lagoon’s management. Consequently, we recommend for the implementation of restoration measures upstream, especially in regions that exert influence on the lagoon. These actions are crucial to ensuring compliance with the spatial integration principles of the ICZM Protocol under the Barcelona Convention, promoting a more holistic and effective approach to ecosystem management.