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Coastal vulnerability, risks of degradation and of climate change impact on the coastal zone of Morocco : a GIS approach of the Tangier Peninsula

Auteur : Laouina Abdellah
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Article
Thème : Milieux marins
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The coasts of Morocco, both on Mediterranean and Atlantic sides, are affected by a high rate of pressure and are exposed to risks, namely in the context of Climate change and marine level rise. This paper shows how the GIS approach can contribute to improve the awareness of coastal risks and their prevention, following an integrated and spatial approach. The main results presented here come from a recent research program led by the Department of management, involving various fields, and concerning especially the Tangier Peninsula and the Gibraltar channel. This work allowed us to develop methodologies which involve fieldwork, numerical treatment, and GIS-based spatial analysis. They illustrate several components of risk and make restitution easier through mapping at various scales: analysis of geological and geomorphologic data, multi-temporal quantification of human pressure and exposure and indications of risk, awareness of both the population and the elected authorities.

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