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Assessment of the coastal Marchica watershed through ecotoxicological indices of trace elements in superficial sediments

Auteur : Oujidi Bouchra, Kabriti Mohamed, Tahri Mounia ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Article
Thème : Milieux marins
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This study analyses the seasonal distribution in the superficial sediments of the Marchica watershed of trace and major elements, grain size, and total organic carbon. Samples were taken during the wet and dry seasons of 2018 in the mainstream valleys carrying the discharges to the Marchica Lagoon. Ecotoxicological indices (Enrichment Factor, Contamination Factor, Pollution-Load Index) and sediment-quality guidelines were used to evaluate the ecotoxicological risk. The results revealed during both wet and dry seasons contamination by lead in all stream valleys. The northwest stream valley, characterized by some industrial activities, and the stream valley crossing the abandoned mine were the most polluted by zinc and copper. Minimal pollution for Cr, Co, and Ba was found during both the wet and dry seasons. Despite the restoration actions achieved around the Ramsar site of Marchica lagoon during the last decades, the watershed continues to have a negative impact on this ecosystem. Therefore, an environmental management strategy is necessary, taking into account the rehabilitation of the abandoned mining sites, the rational use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, and the environmental responsibility of industrial companies, especially those installed before the implementation of the national law on environmental impact studies.

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