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The purpose of this study is to determine the geographic distribution of types of beaches according to their different degrees of exposure to natural and anthropogenic forcings, an approach that is important for the implementation of appropriate coastal management strategies. Accordingly, the morphodynamic behavior of five Mediterranean beaches of Tetouan (in northwestern Morocco) was monitored over the course of a two-year project. The results show that seasonal beach changes are not very significant; the most important variations were recorded after storms. The type and mobility of beaches are a function of their curvature and distance from headlands, exposure to waves, grain size and sediment supply.
Morphological changes are faster and more excessive in reflective beaches located north of the Cabo Negro promontory; moreover, these beaches have a greater tendency for erosion. Erosion vulnerability hazards have also increased in the northern part of the study area, due to coastal constructions. The timescale of the study and the datasets obtained are, however, too short to identify the imprint of chronic erosion. Continuous dune destruction under development pressures and a sand supply deficit from the nearby wadis will indeed be detrimental, especially at the more exposed beaches, leading to the destruction of the very resource that underpins tourism development in the area. Mitigation of coastal erosion requires not only a nexus between science and management but also the rapid implementation of measures aimed at restoring the coastal sediment budget taking into account the morphodynamics of the beachedune units.

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