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The proposed Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme as resulting from the missions carried out during the inception Phase of the H2020 CB/MEP

Auteur : Adly Emad
Date de publication : 25/06/2010
Type : Exposé
Thème : Territoire
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Table of Contents

1. ENPI Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) ;

2. The political justification for activities under H2020 CB/MEP ;

3. Environmental integration and mainstreaming under the H2020 CB/MEP ;

4. Methodology in drafting the Capacity Building and Environmental Mainstreaming Work Programme ;

5. Project approach Expected Results ;

6. Horizon 2020 El Elaboration of a Hot Spot inventory for the West Balkans and Turkey as complementary to the MeHSIP ;

7. Proposed guidelines for the selection of Participants ;

8. The overall goal of the H2020 Communication and Visibility Strategy ;

9. The H2020 Communication and Visibility Strategy.

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