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The View of Lithosphere Rheology from Interseismic Deformation : Potential Biases Due to Model Simplification

Auteur : Hetland E.A., Moore S.B.
Date de publication : 12/10/2010
Type : Article
Thème : Lithosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :


1. Continental strength profiles ;

a. rock deformation view

b. the geodetic view

2. Lessons from the Central Nevada Seismic Belt ;

3. Postseismic deformation from dipping faults ;

4. Sensitivity of horizontal postseismic deformation on depth dependent rheology ;

5. non-Maxwellian rheologies ;

a. non-linear viscosity (power-law creep)

b. transient viscoelasticity & North Anatolian Fault.

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