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Magnetotelluric investigation of the Iberian lithosphere and asthenosphere beneathTajo Basin and Betic Cordillera (PICASSO - Phase I)

Auteur : Schmoldtive Jan-Philipp, Jones Alan G., Hogg Colin, ...[et al.]
Date de publication : 18/09/2010
Type : Article
Thème : Lithosphère
Couverture : Espagne

Résumé/Sommaire :

The PICASSO project intends to enhance knowledge about the geological setting of the Alboran Domain beneath the western Mediterranean Sea and its surrounding regions, Northern Africa and Iberian Peninsula, and through that knowledge to understand processes related to continent-continent collision. The Iberian Peninsula is the focus of the first phase of DIAS’s PICASSO efforts, and comprises a magnetotelluric profile crossing the Tajo Basin and Betics Cordillera. The overarching goal of this phase is to reveal deep-seated features previously undetected due to the location of the Peninsula on the edge of Europe and the associated complication in deep-probing seismic tomography studies, along with the circumstance that prior MT studies were mainly focussed on regions of alpine orogeny.

Low solar activity combined with a high level of local anthropogenic noise reduced the data quality and required exceedingly careful time series processing. Subsequent analyses of the responses revealed varying geoelectric strike direction with depth and laterally along profile. This consequently resulted in separate inversions for the Betics region, and for crustal and mantle structures of the Tajo Basin. Preliminary inversion results of the Tajo Basin subsurface indicate a relatively conducting upper crust underlain by more resistive structures in the lower crust and mantle, whereby most noticeable features of the model are the apparent upwelling of a resistive lower crustal layer beneath the centre of the basin and the presence of an upper crustal resistor in its northern half.

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