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Lithosphere structure of the Black Sea basin from seismic tomography and 3D gravity analysis

Auteur : Yegorova T., Yanovskaya T., Gobarenko V., ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Lithosphère
Couverture : Russie

Résumé/Sommaire :

Black Sea Basin is a back-arc basin formed in the Latest Creataceous (or at the Cretaceous-Palaeo-gene boundary) at the hinterland of the Pontide magmatic arc. At present the Black Sea Basin is a flat abyssal plain with the sea floor at a depth of 2 km, which overlaps two large sedimentary basins in the western and eastern parts of the sea (the West (WBS) and East Black Sea (EBS) Basins), filled with thick (up to 12-14 km) cenozoic sediments. These two basins are separated by the Mid Black Sea Ridge...

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