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Isostatic state and density structure from surface to depth of the lithosphere below the Norwegian continental margin

Auteur : Ebbing Jörg, Olesen Odleiv, Lauritsen Torleif, ...[et al.]
Date de publication : 01/06/2010
Type : Exposé
Thème : Lithosphère
Couverture : Norvège

Résumé/Sommaire :


Top basement and Moho geometry reflect the tectonic evolution of the Northeast Atlantic margin

– Gravity and magnetic are especially helpful to study their geometry

– Isostasy is important to consider to validate the crustal geometry


– late-Caledonian detachments representing the collapse of the orogene can be linked by their magnetic signature below the margin

– high-density lower crust is a feature to the east of the Scandes and at the outer margin: LCB

– LCB: multiple origin suggested

• Magmatic origin at outermost margin

• Serpentinisation in central part of margin

• Eclogite below central Fennoscandia.

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