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Fractal analysis of subionospheric LF propagation data and consideration of the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling

Auteur : Imamura T., Ida Y., Kasahara Y., ...[et al.]
Date de publication : 23/04/2010
Type : Article
Thème : Lithosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :

Fractal analysis has been applied to the local nighttime data of subionospheric LF propagation, and the fractal dimension is estimated every day in the two distinct frequency ranges (AW: acoustic wave and AGW: atmospheric gravity wave). The data during several years are analyzed for the propagation paths from the Japanese transmitter of JJY to Moshiri (Hokkaido) and to Kochi. As the result of analysis, we come to the conclusion that when we pay attention to the period just around the earthquake, we sometimes detect some significant increases in the fractal dimension either in AW or AGW range. This indicates that the self – organization effect prior to an earthquake in the lithosphere, might be seen even in the lower ionosphere, probably in terms of atmospheric oscillation effect.

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