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A method of calculating lithosphere thickness from observations of deglacial land uplift and tilt

Auteur : Wolf Detlef
Année de Publication : 1986
Type : Article
Thème : Lithosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :

The study proposes an inversion method applicable to observations of deglacial land uplift and tilt near the margin of a major Pleistocene ice-sheet. This information allows the determination of the cross-section of the ice-sheet and the calculation of the thickness of the lithosphere. The method is applied to the Pleistocene glaciations in Fennoscandia and Laurentia and yields similar lithosphere thicknesses of 110 ± 30 km and 130 ± 35 km, respectively. Since the method is based on a static theoretical model, the thicknesses must be interpreted as upper bounds.

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