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Mechanisms to oppose global extreme events in developing countries

Auteur : Pollmann Olaf
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Article
Thème : Gestion écologique

Résumé/Sommaire :

Africa is classified as the continent with the highest thread caused by changing earth climate. This thread is a result of interaction between diverse stressing factors which are already indicated in local ecosystems. These climatic effects are more visible in Africa than on any other continent or regions in the world. The interactions of climate change and anthropogenic caused environmental influences are specifically distinct like inequalities, education, food security etc.
Environmental and agricultural resources are fundamentals for social, economic and ecologic development and essential for countries in Africa. With increased interferences in the ecological balance of ecosystems soil degradation and lack of education are major and most serious effects on booming economies. With indicators like illiteration, poverty, food insecurity / soil fertility etc. the productivity and stability of different regions in Africa can be evaluated. With this evaluation it will be possible to estimate the economic efficiency and therefore concrete potential stabilizing indicators.
Against this background, the impact of climate change and soil degradation will be extremely in regions of Africa. Investigations in optimized strategies and examples of successful agricultural production in Africa could be blueprints to reach further global goals. The importance to understand cultural characteristics and to get local experts involved from the beginning is essential for the success of developing strategies in Africa.

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