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State of Mediterranean Forests 2018

Auteur : Bourlion Nelly, Garavaglia Valentina, Picard Nicolas ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Livre
Thème : Ecosystèmes terrestres

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Introduction
1. The Mediterranean region's development and trends: framework aspects
II. The Mediterranean landscape: importance and threats
2. Contribution of Mediterranean forests to the Global Agenda
3. Importance of Mediterranean forests
4. Trees outside forests in the Mediterranean region
5. Drivers of degradation and other threats
III. Mediterranean forest-based solutions
6. Human needs and ecosystem services
7. Forest and landscape restoration
8. Adaptation and mitigation
9. Biodiversity conservation and protected areas in the Mediterranean region
IV. Creating an enabling environment to scale up solutions
10. Mediterranean forests in the green economy
11. Policy frameworks as an enabling environment for achieving international commitments on forests
12. Participation : a pillar of sustainable forest management in the Mediterranean
13. Valuing ecosystem services as part of the decision-making agenda
14. Financial incentives and tools for Mediterranean forests
V. Conclusions

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