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Integrated Landscape Approaches for Africa’s Drylands : Conference Edition

Auteur : Gray Erin, Henninger Norbert, Reij Chris ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Livre
Thème : Ecosystèmes terrestres

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 : Objective, Audience, and Key Questions
Chapter 2 : Conceptual Framework
- Introduction
- Defining Integrated Landscape Management
- Resilience and Integrated Landscape Management
- Integrated Landscape Management in Practice
Chapter 3 : Role of Public and Private Stakeholders to Implement Integrated Landscape Management
- Identification of Key Stakeholders and Rationales for Participation
- Policy Actions to Address Differences in Rationales
- Implications for Implementing Integrated Landscape Management
Chapter 4 : Economic and Ecological Evidence for Integrated Landscape Management
- Review of Valuation Approaches and Challenges
- Economic Framework—Reviewing Unique Costs and Benefits of Integrated Landscape Management
- Evidence from Landscape Approaches in Ethiopia
- Integrated Landscape Management Benefits and Resilience
- Implications for Implementing Integrated Landscape Management
- Note
Chapter 5 : Case Studies for Integrated Landscape Management in African Drylands
- Ethiopia Case Study
- Niger Case Study
- Kenya Case Study
- Insights from the Case Studies That Are Relevant to Implement Integrated Landscape Management
- Notes
Chapter 6 : Recommended Policies and Other Interventions to Advance Integrated Landscape Management and Enhance Resilience in Drylands

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