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The Sustainable Development of Oued Noun Oases through the Integration in the Biosphere Reserve Oasis of Southern Morocco

Auteur : Mirari Saїd, Ben Mlih Abdelouahed
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Article
Thème : Ecosystèmes terrestres
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The Moroccan government has adopted a new approach to development that integrates environmental, renewal of natural resources, measures for the reduction of poverty at the social and spatial distribution of wealth at an advanced regionalization plan. In 2000, UNESCO in collaboration with the Moroccan State creates Biosphere Reserve Oasis of Southern Morocco (BROSM) in the Provinces of "Errachidia, Ouarzazate and Zagora" to support the strategies of preserving the environment. The project to integrate the Oasis of Oued Noun in the program of the biosphere reserve Oasis of southern Morocco (BROSM) will have a positive impact on the region. This direction aims to strengthen the efforts of the government and ONG programs working in the sector. Through this institutional status, it becomes appropriate to rethink about the preservation and enhancement of the natural heritage and local culture.

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