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MiscanthusPotential for Second Generation Biofuels

Auteur : Ivanic Rasto
Date de publication : 19/05/2009
Type : Exposé
Thème : Ecosystèmes terrestres

Résumé/Sommaire :

Mendel’s story

Mendel BioEnergySeeds

Electric generation and liquid biofuels expected to drive demand for biomass

Demand for biomass in 2020 will require supply of dedicated energy crops

Optimal 2ndGeneration Perennial Feedstocks

Perenniality and high yields are critical attributes of successful energy crops

Native Miscanthusstand in China

Native Miscanthusstand in China

Miscanthusis a premier perennial grass

Feedstocks Vs. Yields

Miscanthusfuture challenges

New crop introduction is very challenging

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