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Hydrogeological and hydrochemical study of Mellaha village, Oued Guir, ErRachidia, Morcco [!]

Auteur : Wafik Amina, Ec-Chouafi Ensaf, Didi Salhddine ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Article
Thème : Eau douce
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

As part of the development of groundwater Mellaha village near of the province of Er-Rachidia and for severe climatic conditions and the risk of water shortage, a study proposed in collaboration with local associations, with the objective : to map the quantity of the Mellaha groundwater to assess the hygienic quality of well water used for water supply and agricultural practices. Data processing allowed the identification of column correlation showing limestone-marl alternations. This column correlation shows a continuous aquifer depth variation between 1.54 m and 79.8m contained in the limestone formations of Bajocian. The sanitary analysis of water well reveals a moderate to very bad quality due to the concentration of chlorides and mineralization. To avoid potential health risks, the adoption of hygienic measures for wastewater, including water treatment of the affected wells, are recommended for the inhabitants of the village.

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