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Application of the electrical resistivities method to the characterization of the aquifer system in the region of Ouaouizeght, central High Atlas (Morocco)

Auteur : Boutirame I, Boukdir A, Boualoul M ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Article
Thème : Eau douce
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

A Geoelectrical prospecting has been carries out in the region of Ouaouizeght which is part of central High Atlas. The purpose of this exploration is to identify the potential aquifers and determine their geometry and their structure in order to understand their hydrogeological function.
Forty geoelectrical surveys have been achieved in the study area. The interpretation of the results has allowed identifying three aquifers attributed to formations of the middle and lower Jurassic. These aquifers present an asymmetric syncline structure and a strong depression at the axial region corresponding to the center of the syncline of Ouaouizeght.

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