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Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development Second International Congress

Collectivite Auteur : Moroccan Committee of The International Association of Hydrogeologists
Date de publication : 24/03/2010
Type : Article
Thème : Atmosphère
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The scientific program will consist of 4 plenary conferences, 18 oral sessions, and 5 poster sessions and exhibitions. An update of the scientific program, including the dates and times of all presentations, can be found on the website:

Session Rooms

Three rooms will host the oral presentations. Each room is equipped with:

- Data show projector

- Microphone

- Laptop with operating system Microsoft Windows (XP or Vista) and Office 2007 (French)

- Laser pointer

Each session room will be supervised by a technical staff which will provide the possibility of reviewing

your presentation on Windows-based computers, last minute alterations of your PowerPoint presentation,

uploading your PowerPoint presentation in the room computer.

To enable the staff to handle the technical aspects in an efficient way, all presentations should be

prepared according to the guidelines below.

It is essential that:

- the correct format is used (see below)

- the presentation be handed in at least one (1) hour before the beginning of your session (it is

strongly recommended to deliver your presentation the day before the session if possible).

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