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Origin of salinity and impacts on fresh groundwater resources : Optimisation of isotopic techniques : Results of a 2000-2004 Coordinated Research Project

Auteur : Leaney F.W., Herczeg A.L., Walker G.R. ...[et al.]
Type : Livre
Thème : Eau douce

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Groundwater salinization in the South West Murray basin as a result of enhanced recharge
2. Origin of saline groundwater in the northeastern of Guanzhong Basin, China
3. Optimization of isotopic techniques to investigate groundwater salinization in Disi Basin, Jordan
4. Environmental isotope-aided study for elucidating groundwater salinization on Cheju Island, Korea
5. Isotopic techniques as a tool to investigate salinization problems in the Souss Massa coastal plain (South West Morocco), Morocco
6. Isotopic investigation of saline water intrusion and related impacts on potable water quality in the coastal aquifer of Karachi, Pakistan

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