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Résumé/Sommaire :

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of three sources of pollution (landfill leachate, wastewater and mining activities) on the physico-chemical characteristics of surface water and groundwater in the northern region of Marrakech (Morocco).
Numerous groundwater samples and surface water (Tensift River) samples were collected during the dry season and analysed.
The groundwater samples had a high conductivity, which varied between 0.95 and 7.40mS/cm; the conductivity of the surface water samples varied between 1.31 and 15.84mS/cm. pH varied between 6.64 and 8.10 for groundwater and between 6.70 and 8.40 for surface water. The results showed that groundwater and surface water had a degraded quality in the region.
Principal component analysis (PCA) enabled identification of the impact of pollution sources by combining the upstream and the downstream points. These results also showed that, in the study area, the effect of wastewater and the mine were dominated those of the landfill.

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