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Dynamique Comparée des Nutriments (N, P) et des Solides dans Deux Collecteurs D’Eaux Pluviales Anthropisés par les Rejets Industriels et Domestiques à Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire

Auteur : Assamoi Amamage Béatrice, Coulibaly Lacina, Savané Issiaka
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Article
Thème : Eau douce
Couverture : Côte d'Ivoire

Résumé/Sommaire :

The contribution of two anthropized stormwater channels by industrial (Uniwax) and domestic (Attécoubé) effluents to the Ebrié lagoon pollution was studied. Dynamics of nutrients (P, N) and solids conveyed in dry and wet weather by the stormwaters flowing into the channel were evaluated. Nutrients and solids masses drained by Uniwax stormwater decrease from its upstream to downstream. But the evolution of these parameters into the Attécoubé stormwater was the reverse. The polluants masses drained vary with month in the same season. Uniwax stormwater was basic (pH > 10) compared to that of Attécoubé. Nutrients and solids discharged during the great rainy season were weak compared to those of the other seasons. The nutriments and solids masses drained by the Attécoubé stormwater channel were higher than in Uniwax. The drainage of solids into the two channels was influenced by sedimentation and erosion of solid stocks within these drains.

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