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Water and wastewater management in Morocco: Biotechnologies application

Auteur : Mandi Laila, Ouazzani Naaila
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Article
Thème : Eau douce
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This paper presents an overview about water and waste water management in Morocco. The main problems related to the availability of water resources and their preservation from the pollution are described. Moreover, a detailed description of the different efforts done in Morocco in recent years to overcome the technical, economical and organizational problems of water and wastewater management and to catch up the considerable delay regarding sanitation and recovery of treated wastewaters has been reported too. Regarding sewage treatment, the stabilization ponds called also natural lagoons are considered as the most appropriate biotechnology to treat the increasing flows of domestic wastewater in Morocco. The treatment of sewage through natural stabilization ponds was recommended
in early 2000 by the National Sanitation Master Plan (SDNAL), particularly because of its low investment and operating costs. However, other sophisticated biotechnologies such as aerated activated sludge have been chosen for big cities due to the large areas that would be required for.

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