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Water accounting and auditing : A sourcebook

Auteur : Batchelor Charles, Hoogeveen Jippe, Faurès Jean-Marc ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2016
Type : Rapport
Thème : Eau douce

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. An introduction to water accounting and auditing
1.1 The context
1.2 Rationale for water accounting and auditing
1.3 Water accounting
1.4 Water auditing
1.5 Combining water accounting and auditing
1.6 Tips and tricks
2. Inception activities and stakeholder engagement
2.1 Aims of this section
2.2 Inception activities
2.3 Stakeholder
2.4 Tips and tricks
3. Water accounting
3.1 Aims of this section
3.2 Water accounting stepwise process
3.3 Detailed water accounting planning
3.4 Biophysical Information acquisition and management
3.5 Targeted biophysical assessments
3.6 Multi-scalar biophysical analysis and modelling
3.7 Tips and tricks
4. Water auditing
4.1 Aims of this section
4.2 Water auditing stepwise process
4.3 Detailed water auditing planning
4.4 Societal information acquisition and management
4.5 Targeted societal assessments
4.6 Thinking politically, working differently
4.7 Tips and tricks
5. Information management and integrated analysis
5.1 Aims of this section
5.2 Information management
5.3 Integrated analysis and modelling
5.4 Hydrological modelling stepwise process
5.5 Scenario building
5.6 Scenario-based strategy development
5.7 Key challenges in integrated analyses
5.8 Tips and tricks
6. Outputs and outcomes
6.1 Aims of this section
6.2 Moving from outputs to outcomes
6.3 Communication
6.4 Tips and tricks

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