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Conflicting Policies : Agricultural Intensification vs. Water Conservation in Morocco

Auteur : Molle François
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Eau douce
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction : A water-dependent economy and policy worries
2. Water savings policies : application on the ground
2.1 Drip irrigation and what it (really) does
2.2 The Plan Maroc Vert and incentives to expand groundwater-based irrigation
3. Water savings policies : accompanying measures and discourses
3.1 Passing qualifications
3.2 Stated socio-economic and environmental impacts
3.3 Conflating water savings and water productivity
4. Water demand policies in perspective : a wake-up call
4.1 Water pricing
4.2 Well inventory, registration, and water meters
4.3 Groundwater control and 'aquifer contracts'
5. Squaring the circle : is "more with less, and better" possible?
5.1 A widening gap between discourses and reality on the ground
5.2 Unclear political will
5.3 Monitoring and assessment capacity
6. Conclusions : a poisoned chalice
7. Appendices
7.1 Reduction in estimated available resources (Belghiti, 2010)
7.2 Examples of well density in large-scale public schemes
7.3 Expansion of villas and associated water requirements in the Haouz
7.4 Satellite images showing expansion of agriculture in formerly rainfed or fallow land
7.5 Estimated water balance of main aquifers

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