Auteur :
...[et al.]
Année de Publication :
Type : Article
Thème : Catastrophes
Couverture : Maroc
The natural risks in general and the floods phenomena in particular have seen an impressive increase. This is mainly due to activity density growth in the risk areas. Currently, the territory management practice requires the best use of geospatial technologies in order to analyze, communicate and share the territory’s visions.
A methodological process has been developed to properly assess the flood-risk in the city and its impact on urban planning. This process is split in two parts. The first part consists on putting in place a workflow that allows flood simulation over 100-year flood in 2D format. This simulation delimits the flood zone perimeters and produces a territory Flood map. Whilst the second part aims to explore the buildings altitudes and to visualize the submerged zones in 3D. For the sake of analysis simplification, a horizontal architectural cut was produced in order to view the waters level.