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Regional assessment report on disaster risk reduction in the Arab region 2021

Auteur : Abdallah Chadi, Ahmadein Ghada, Aldaoud Naela ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Rapport
Thème : Catastrophes

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Overview of disaster risk in the Arab region
2. Regional progress in disaster risk reduction
3. Building regional coherence between the three international agendas : climate change, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development
4. Vulnerabilities and capacities in climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk reduction : addressing structural drivers, impacts and empowerment of affected populations
5. Urbanization trends and urban resilience in the Arab region
6. The disaster-conflict-fragility nexus
7. Food security risks under growing water scarcity
8. Towards an enabling environment for coherent implementation

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