Collectivite Auteur :
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Année de Publication :
Type : Rapport
Thème : Catastrophes
Part I : The challenge
2. Our world at risk
2.1 Reality check – risk versus perceived risk
2.2 The Sendai Framework at the halfway point: Getting it right towards 2030
2.3 Ways forward
3. Systemic risk as a challenge to sustainable development
3.1 Risky business – the intersection of risk and sustainable
3.2 Ways forward
4. How human choices drive vulnerability, exposure and disaster risk
4.1 Systemic risk is increasing due to human actions
4.2 Understanding the root causes of vulnerability is essential
4.3 Improving data supports a better understanding of vulnerability and exposure
4.4 Ways forward
5. How systems undervalue key assets and opportunities for learning
5.1 Shortcomings of incumbent approaches to risk
5.2 Wicked problems and systems-based approaches
5.3 A long-term, holistic and systemic perspective
5.4 Ways forward
6. Shifting perceptions on risk
6.1 Learning from indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing
6.2 Established “scripts” and the systemic nature of risk
6.3 Relational practices to explore the way forward
6.4 Ways forward
Part II : The role of biases and communication in risk reduction
7. How human biases and decision processes affect risk reduction outcomes
7.1 Why human decision-making processes matter
7.2 Bounded rationality
7.3 Social, psychological and individual factors influencing risk
7.4 Engaging across decision-making processes
7.5 Ways forward
8. Addressing biases to increase investment in risk reduction
8.1 The impact of biases and heuristics on risk-related decision-making
8.2 Reworking risk messaging and incentives to promote financial investment in disaster risk reduction
8.3 Role of key stakeholders in implementing disaster risk reduction measures
8.4 Ways forward
9. Advancing risk communication
9.1 Risk communication is a process
9.2 Media and communication systems influence risk and its management
9.3 Novel collaborations are needed
9.4 Ways forward
Part III : Towards a more resilient future
10. Emerging approaches to assessing systemic risk
10.1 The era of networked risk
10.2 Building scenarios and digital twins, and finding tipping points
10.3 Transferring knowledge from financial systemic risk modelling to support disaster risk reduction
10.4 New and emerging technologies and science for improved understanding of system collapse and natural systems
10.5 Ways forward
11. From big data to better decisions
11.1 Filling gaps in data sources
11.2 Unique advantages of Earth observation data to assess risk and damage
11.3 Machine learning methods can be a game-changer, but come with caveats and risks
11.4 Localized perspectives of climate information: the case of small island developing States
11.5 A data-driven hive mind – strengthening decisions through co-design
11.6 Getting data used – towards managing risk not just disasters
11.7 Ways forward
12. Transitions to systemic risk governance
12.1 Transforming risk governance
12.2 How to transition?
12.3 Ways forward
13. Conclusions
13.1 Living with a new risk landscape
13.2 A call to action to accelerate risk reduction
How to better address systemic risk: Key case study examples from GAR2022