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Deuxième Plateforme Régionale d’Afrique en Réduction de Risque de Catastrophes : Réunion de Consultation

Auteur : Kadi Mohammed
Collectivite Auteur : UNISDR
Date de publication : 04/05/2009
Type : Exposé
Thème : Catastrophes
Couverture : Kenya

Résumé/Sommaire :

From ACMAD Program

• Enhance African countries / SNMHscapability to understand, anticipate and manage the impacts of weather and climate fluctuations to support the achievement of sustainable development and poverty reduction(provide user oriented information & products)

• Consolidate weather / climate monitoring efforts in Africa, better understand the African weather systems (monsoon) systems and Improve forecasts

• Facilitate exchange of information, experience and expertise; and strength sustainable institutional mechanisms

• Provide advanced notice on potential weather and climate related hazards and information for the implementation of policies for vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate variability and change.

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