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Construction of a Seismic Reaction Map of a Reinforced Concrete Structure : Using Fragility Curves and Incremental Dynamic Analysis

Auteur : El Khoudri Mouad, Lahmass Iliass, Ammari Mohammed ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Article
Thème : Catastrophes
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

For centuries the science of earthquakes has emerged Earthquakes which are still considered one of the most unpredictable and devastating natural disasters that sometimes have changed the course of history especially when accompanied by other disasters such as tsunamis or landslides. So far, the lack of certainty available to seismic scientists and structural engineers does not predict all aspects and parameters of earthquake interactions in an acceptable manner. The nature of the data necessary to determine the extent of the damage and its nature in a realistic and predictable way is still not conclusive, but this can be assessed by taking appropriate measures to limit the loss and material damage caused by the tremors. earthen. However, predicting damage to a building during an earthquake simulation and interpreting the results obtained can help us understand the response of a structure to different types of seismic actions and forces. The use of a mechanism to identify the dispersion of damage on a reinforced concrete structure according to the ranges of values and parameters calculated for several earthquakes is necessary.
Thus, Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), which is a nonlinear dynamic analysis that offers a huge opportunity to assess the seismic responses of the structure while combining them, results in fragility curves to probabilistically predict the effects. of an earthquake on the structure. This work therefore makes it possible to evaluate the capacity of these indicators to predict the damage of building structures with reinforced concrete frames, by focusing mainly on the height parameters and the number of floors of a building project.
In conclusion, determine an order of magnitude of the dispersion of damage that a structure undergoes during an earthquake characterized by its indicators and parameters.

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